samuel martin
dipl. Arch. FH / SIA
architect | head designer | director
- office | karamanova 1, hr - 21000 split
- mailing address | teslina 21, hr - 21000 split
- phone: 00 385 (0)21 781551
- mobile: 00 385 (0)91 7959838
- skype
born on in 1975 in Basel, Switzerland. He graduated architecture in 2001 from the University in Winterthur/ZH. After working as an assistant at the same university, he left for London where he worked at the Maccreanor Lavington Architects. Upon moving to Split he worked for the ARP architectural bureau where, among other projects, he worked on and co-authored the project of the extension and adaptation of the Museum of Fine Arts in Split. In 2004 he started working for the Ante Kuzmanić Architectural Bureau where he authored the reconstructions and extensions of Dubrovnik and Zagreb airports, as well as numerous studies and projects for public, commercial, touristic and residential buildings. Besides working on the urban planning and architectural competitions for the bureau, since 1995 he has been independently entering and winning various competitions. He also participates as an organiser and mentor in the international architectural and urban planning workshops. From 2011 to 2014 he was a member of the presidential board of the Split Society of Architects, as well as a member of the editorial board of the new bulletin for the architecture and urban planning “das ČASOPIS”. Since 2015 he has been working as an external associate for the University Study of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split. Since 2013 he has been running his own office MIG ARCHITECTS in Split that works on urban planning and architectural studies and projects for residential, commercial, industrial, touristic and public buildings.
rođen 1975. u Baselu u Švicarskoj. Diplomira na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Winterthuru /ZH 2001. godine. Nakon asistenture na istom fakultetu odlazi raditi u London u ured „Maccreanor Lavington Architects“. Po dolasku u Split radi u projektnom birou „ARP“ d.o.o. gdje pored ostalih projekata radi i kao koautor na dogradnji i adaptaciji Galerije umjetnina u Splitu. Godine 2004. prelazi u „Arhitektonski biro Ante Kuzmanić“ d.o.o., gdje kao autor radi na rekonstrukciji i dogradnji Zračne luke Dubrovnik kao i Zračne luke Zagreb te na brojnim studijama i projektima javnih, poslovnih, turističkih i stambenih namjena. Uz urbanističke i arhitektonske natječaje na kojima radi u uredu, na natječajima sudjeluje samostalno još od 1995. godine s nagrađivanim radovima. Sudjeluje kao organizator ili mentor na međunarodnim arhitektonskim i urbanističkim radionicama. Od 2011.-2014. godine član je predsjedništva Društva arhitekata Splita i uredništva novog biltena arhitekture i urbanizma „das ČASOPIS“. Od 2015. godine radi na Fakultetu građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije u Splitu kao vanjski suradnik na Studiju arhitekture i urbanizma. Od 2013. godine vodi vlastiti ured „MIG ARHITEKTI“ d.o.o. u Splitu koji se bavi urbanističkim i arhitektonskim studijama i projektima stambene, poslovne, industrijske, turističke i javne namjene.

aljoša gazde
dipl. ing. arh.
architect | lead designer
- phone: 00 385 (0)21 781551
born in 1985 in Split, graduated in architecture in 2010 at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. Upon his return to Split, he worked at the Marinović Architectural Studio as an associate on numerous projects and competitions. In 2013 he passed the professional chamber exam. Since 2014 he has been working for MIG ARHITEKTI.
rođen 1985. u Splitu, diplomirao arhitekturu 2010. na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Po povratku u Split radi u „Arhitektonskom studiju Marinović“ d.o.o. kao suradnik na brojnim projektima i natječajima. Stručni komorski ispit polože 2013. godine. Od 2014. počinje rad u uredu „MIG ARHITEKTI“ d.o.o.

... and other freelance team members, collaborants and specialist cooperants.
... i drugi freelance članovi tima, suradnici i specijalisti kooperanti.